Return to yourself

  • يکشنبه 17ام ارديبهشت 1402
  • 833

Return to yourself

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This article pays tribute to my fellow human beings, To those who try to change themselves and the current situation,Strive for personal growth and fellow human beings,Trying to increase your knowledge and awareness of the community, have. This article is dedicated to other lovers who are always messengers of good feelings in the universe and always make others feel good ...And to the loved ones who intend to return to themselves ...Now the human heart is different in different circumstances. Humans in different situations and circumstances need and seek different achievements. Throughout history, human beings have always sought to grow and prosper and seek progress.Humans and societies try to develop themselves in the face of the conditions and requirements of the time; Humans are always looking to grow, to achieve the goals and plans they have already drawn for themselves.

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