Abu-Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - philosopher, doctor and poet

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  • Tuesday 09th May 2023
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Abu-Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) - philosopher, doctor and poet

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Abu ‘Ali ibn Sina is better known in Europe by the Latinized name “Avicenna.” He is probably the most significant philosopher in the Islamic tradition. He was born in 980- Islamic golden age. He was a self-taught intellectual. He grew up near Bukhara, in the village of Afshana, in Uzbekistan today. Avicenna studied Indian arithmetic from food trader. At his young age, he deeply studied the metaphysics of Aristotle and began studying medicine from the age of 16. In the framework of Islamic religion, he had the ability to critically analyze antiquity philosophy and science and systematization all the knowledge. His main work is a philosophical encyclopedia, which includes logic, physics, mathematics and metaphysics.

Ibn Sina's poetry heritage has partially reached us (he wrote in Arabic and Persian). In his poems he expressed his philosophical beliefs. In this respect it is worth mentioning "the Spirit Casida".

He preached the goodness of the science and education The allegorical nature has Ibn Sina's philosophical-artistic works "Salaman and Absal", "Letter to the bird" and "Live, the Son of the Wisdom", which is too similar with Dante "The Divine Comedy". Ibn Sīnā's commentaries on Aristotle often criticized the philosopher. Ibn Sina was distinguished as a translator and literary theorist. Ibn Sina (folk name_ABu-Ali) has become a hero of the fairy tale of almost all the Middle East.


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